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Raise Money for Your Organization with Lip Balm!

Skin care is an important part of your daily routine. Everyone, regardless of age, benefits from moisturizing products. Lip balm is no different. While many fundraising tactics focus on selling goods like chocolate and wrapping paper, we strongly believe that lip balms, salves, and lotions make for a practical and useful fundraising product. If you’re looking to raise money for your organization, consider selling lip balm gift packages. Here are a few options to kick your fundraising efforts into high gear.

After Sun Kit

With summer in full gear, many people are experiencing the dreaded sunburn. Not only does the sun make their skin turn bright red, but the after effects can be painful and last for days. Having an after sun kit ready can help them take care of their sunburn, reducing the discomfort. Make a kit containing an aloe-based lip balm for those sunburnt, chapped lips, and add an aloe-heavy salve to take away the sting of the sunburn.

Super Moisturizing Lip Balm

When the rain stops falling, the humidity lessens. With lower humidity comes an increase in chapped and dry skin. Make a lip balm that contains tons of moisturizing oils like shea butter and avocado oil.

Relaxation Stick

Our lip balm tubes can be used for more than just lip balm. Combine a thicker oil like kokum butter with beeswax, and essential oils, like lavender and peppermint, to create a tension relieving moisturizing stick. This makes for a fantastic headache rub as the relaxing scent of lavender, combined with the cooling sensation of peppermint oil helps reduce tension and stress.

All of our lip balm containers can be wrapped in a custom label with your organization’s information. Order your lip balm containers today and get started with an all new fundraising idea.