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Improve Your Patients' Dental Experience with Custom Lip Balm!

As a dentist, you’re probably familiar with that horrible sensation your patients describe when they start to feel their lips dry out during their treatment. In fact, the longer their treatment takes, the more chapped their lips get. While you may be able to alleviate the pain caused by a toothache, you may find it difficult to keep your patient's lips from splitting. Lip Balm Now can help!

What We Offer

Lip Balm Now carries a full selection of filled and customizable lip balm tubes. Choose from a variety of flavors and lip balm tube colors to match your business. Our pre-filled custom lip balm tubes are available in Vanilla, Original, Peppermint, Blue Raspberry, and more. We’re sure we have the right flavor for your practice. We also offer a custom label option, giving you control over your logo and packaging.

Why Lip Balm?

Offering your patients a custom lip balm tube before they sit in the chair can increase their comfort level during their treatment. Our lip balm will keep their lips hydrated during and after their treatment, making it a less painful experience. Best of all, our custom lip balm tubes are available at just 19 cents per tube, making them a budget-friendly souvenir that your patients can carry with them after their appointment.

Rather than offering sugar-free lollipops and stickers, consider giving your patients lip balm! Not only will it be a useful gift to take home, but it will make their treatment that much more pleasant. Browse our selection today and order your custom lip balm tubes today!