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Grow Your Business With Personalized Lip Balm

Customized lip balm is one of the best creative advertising methods out there! It works great for tradeshow giveaways, corporate gifts, and also works great at tourist destinations as a souvenir for people to keep with them and easily advertise your name to the world effortlessly. Personalized lip balm tubes give your customer or client a daily reminder of your company, event, organization, or service. This unique gift is an easy way to grow your business without hardly doing anything but giving a gift that will not end up in the trashcan. There are many occasions where tubes of chapstick would be a great promotional idea. Here is a scenario where ordering bulk lip balm with personalized labels would be more than beneficial.

The housing market is booming better than ever before with mortgage rates at an all time low. As a realtor, you are extremely busy and can barely spend any time in the office because your schedule is jam packed with new clients who are looking to own a piece of the “American Dream.” You are slowly beginning to realize you cannot be in several places all at once and it is running you ragged. Maybe the solution is to start holding more open houses to bring the people to you and the property for sale. This tactic can reach many people at once and increase the number of homes you sell. Consider ordering bulk lip balm to give out to your prospective home buyers with your contact info right on the label. It is a simple way to say “thank you” and promote yourself uniquely in the community.